I'm concerned that "lukewarm Christian" is an insult wielded by the Christian Right to further its hateful agenda during a tenuous election situation. Since White Christian Nationalism is a political ideology, not a religious one, the insult indeed describes anyone who rationally assess a situation and chooses next steps based on the information they have at that time (Bayesian analysis, if you will). Circumspection does not function within any movement that demands blind adherence as evidence of faith. Scary stuff!

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Yep, it is but it's also become a joke lobbed by young people. Or so it seems. I'm concerned more broadly even that average people tend to be attracted to and to judge as more trustworthy people who are ardent in whatever they are doing/saying when this behavior is probably a red flag that you actually shouldn't put your trust there. The problem is old. It's the trickster, the huckster, the "snake oil salesman" for sure, but it's just gotten worse. Now people don't trust nuanced people or people who say "except..."..."but..." "maybe..." We just want fanatics because they make us feel more confident in such uncertain times.

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Absolutely. Nuance isn't available in a soundbite.

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I want to come over and play with your oils. Very nice post. I love that. Someone else sees the value of Bridgerton and a larger sense. It is brilliant as you, my friend.

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