
Well, the Amba breathing person that Linda told me about teaches a technique called waterfall breathing. She says that people with a lot of anxiety often don't do well with holotropic. As far as the class environment goes, it's definitely much milder and more low key than what you're describing. Jodi even leads the class through laughing during one part of the class and then yelling. So it's usually a fun experience. I think she probably does the one-on-ones with people who want/need more. I've never heard of Reichien but will look into it. You're right that it sounds similar.

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In my 20’s I had severe panic attacks. My therapist specialized in Reichien Therapy which is the grand daddy of all breath work. After reading about this Holotropic breathing, it sounds kinda similar. At least with the goal of breathing yourself into hyperventilation in order to open the healing channels.

The Reichien method various per trauma. In my case, I would lay on the floor in butterfly pose and breathe in while my arms would raise up and over my head while simultaneously arching my back. Then breathe out, hips would drop, knees sandwich up and arms back overhead to the ground in front of me. Over and over until I was hyperventilating and my arms would vibrate and hum. My pinky fingers would go numb. My upper lip always went numb. Then she would stop me and urge me to talk about whatever came up. I practiced this religiously 2 days a week for months until the panic began to subside and it was noted the humming was less and less and different parts of my body would get numb as the trauma was being filtered out. I then went once a week for a couple of years just to rid myself of all the crud that was inside me. I credit this therapy for my complete healing from terrifying panic attacks and all forms of flight or flight anxiety. It healed me from the trauma I carried from childhood. I was always in flight or flight mode as a kid with a scary step dad plus a few other negative experiences. I don’t know if I could do that sort of breath work in a group setting. I had some intense emotional response that I know I wouldn’t have released in a group setting. I’m just not built that way.

Also, Reichien is often associated with practitioners who also study Kundalini. I took a few Kundalini classes in that era. Trippy times for me. I haven’t thought about it in years. Also, I referred Vanessa to my shrink for Reichien therapy as well. She got a lot out of it, too. We often lament on how Deborah was the best thing that ever happened to our mental health.

Cool read! Thanks for the share!!

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